The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars UX

by Brunom1

Part 81: Mission 33 (Vajra Route) - The Hour of Dialogue - Part 1

Okay, let’s deal with this quick so we can move on to more important things. Tieria, Alto, Setsuna and Fei-Yen are deploying as event units, so here’s how we’re going:
Tactician: Moritsugu

Off we go.

We open up at the Frontier, and Howard’s very grateful that we heroes decided to help them. Of course, the Vajra are too big a problem for us to simply ignore, as Moritsugu notes – they’ll have to be dealt with sooner or later. Now, about the fortress that’s headed for Earth, Mishima figures it’d be faster to just show us a picture of it.
What we see is worrisome, as the fortress is stupidly huge – more like a planetoid, in Shinn’s eyes – and from what Howard’s been briefed, it was lost to the Vajra about a century ago. Their current theory is that this flock of Vajra also came to this universe in pursuit of the Frontier Fleet, just like the other flock that’s been harassing us.
Howard says that while the Frontier’s still investigating what’s what, the issue at hand is eliminating the Vajra inside the Boddole Zer before they cause any trouble. How do our odds look? Well, Saya points out that our Valkyries have been equipped with new Reactive Munitions and we’re expected to be receiving help from the Federation Army, but Tieria thinks that’s unlikely to be enough to offset the enormous numerical disadvantage we’ll have.

In other words, Sumeragi sees, we’re not going to win this if we try to outlast them – we need to find a way to destroy their nest entire. Well, as luck would have it, Mishima says that their investigation has revealed that the fortress has an inactive nuclear reactor inside. So if we can get in there and blow the thing up, we can take care of that problem in one fell swoop.
But how are we going to break through the swarm of Vajra and get inside to begin with? Ah, but Mishima wouldn’t have asked for our help if they didn’t have something in mind; and that plan revolves around Luca’s RVF-25, with its custom Aegis Pack.
You see, the pillar that supports the humongous Vajra flock is their ability to communicate with each other via Fold Waves. It’s what enables them to coordinate perfectly and adapt to pretty much any strategy we throw at them. On the other hand, Tieria sees, if you can find a way to jam their communications, that coordination goes right out the window.

Mishima appreciates a quick study, adding that the Frontier’s successfully developed a device capable of doing just that. It’s still undergoing trials, but he’s certain a prodigy like Luca can make good use of it. And when the Vajra are all weakened, we go inside the fortress and blow up its nuclear reactor. That’s the overall gist of the operation, and Arnie figures the rest’ll come down to our own teamwork… Only a certain guy disagrees, figuring he’s all we’ll need to pull this off.
It’s Descartes, having been dispatched by the Federation to assist with today’s op. Mishima’s heard of him as the guy responsible for dropping the Europa, so it speaks well of his skill. Tieria isn’t listening, though, as he quickly pings the guy as not even an Innovade, but an Innovator.

Descartes’s a bit disappointed that he didn’t get a chance to meet with Setsuna, our own Innovator – he wanted to get his take on the idea of certain entities resonating with the Vajra. Is Descartes implying the things have allies? Who knows; that’s for other people to look into, and Descartes figures it’ll be a moot point once he’s destroyed all of the buggers.
Pretty confident guy, Lockon sniffs, but, again, Innovator.

: Hrk…! *cough, wheeze.*
: The V-Type Infection in your throat’s getting worse. You know there’s only one way to fix this…
: What, to undergo surgery and have them cut out my vocal chords? Is that what you’re suggesting…?!
: I’m not doing it. I’m not giving up on my voice…!
: I’m sure you remember that the contract we made was that you’d just be a stand-in until Code Q1 was located…
: But I’ve always been singing of my own volition! If the options on the table are death or going mute, it’ll take death!
: Even if that means you’ll never see him again?
: I…!

: Oh, dear, what will it be? Will you abdicate your role as heroine to another…?
: Wh-Who…?!

*Kicks door!*

: Get down!


: Hmhmhm… Not quite. You’ll have to aim better than that.
: (What…?! I missed at this range?! No… was I made to miss?!)
: And what kind of greeting is that, rushing in and shooting at someone? Didn’t mommy teach you some manners…?
: Are you a Frontier spy… Are you even human…?
: Oho, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, you know.
: (She knows about us…?!)
: But, no, I’m just a simple fan of the beautiful Galactic Fairy.
: Which is why I absolutely must talk to you. You see, I know a way for you to keep both your life and your music.
: You… can help me…?
: You were meant as a stand-in until the real songstress was found…
: Then all you have to do is a little switcheroo. And, luckily, there’s a way for you to take the role as leading singer for yourself!
: Isn’t that right, dear manager?
: …
: What does she mean, Grace…?
: … There is a way to save you, just like she said.
: It’s to transplant all the blood and organs of a person that’s immune to the V-Type Infection onto you…
: But then the donor would…!
: Ahahahah! Bingo! That would be the lead singer’s cue to exit the stage!
: Come on! Come on now! What will it be, Galactic Fairy? Do you have a hankering for that forbidden fruit?
: …
: Hmhmhm, the choice is entirely up to you. I’ve told you the truth and that’s my part done…


: She disappeared?!
: I’m going after her!


: Sheryl, are you alright…?
: Grace… were you telling the truth back there?
: I was… and it’s certainly a way to save both your life and your voice.
: But the person that’s immune to the V-Type Infection…
: Yes, her life and her voice would be forever lost in exchange…
: Code Q1… The Superdimensional Cinderella, Ranka Lee, would lose everything…
: …

: Goodness! Everyone’s here…!
: Well, we were in the area for work.
: Hey, Ranka! It’s been a while!
: I hope we’re not bothering you or anything, turning up right before your show starts…
: Of course not – I’m so happy to see you guys! Thank you so much for coming!
: Pii!
: Heheh, Ai-kun’s also happy that you’re here, I think.
: Here, Ranka, a friend asked me to deliver this to you.
: Ooh… what a beautiful bouquet! And there’s a card? Let’s see…
: ‘Good luck on your first solo concern!’ by Furuya!
: Ah, that’s Hayase’s friend.
: Though, if I remember, he said he was a huge fan of mine…
: Eeh… Apparently, his explanation is that he’s only expanding the list of singers he’s a huge fan of…
: Hm, wonder if we should call that being open-minded or just playin’ both sides…
: Hahahah, I think he’s just a fan of Idol singers in general.
: Speaking of, I’m a bit surprised you wanted to come with us, Setsuna… Can it be that you actually like Idols?
: No way, that’s just…
: … To tell the truth, Ranka Lee’s had my interest for a while now.
: Ah…?
: Oh, I did not see THAT coming!
: (What is there to her song…? What is it that’s resounding with them…?)
: Well, what do you know, Ranka? You’ve got the Innovator’s seal of approval!
: Eheheh… I don’t even know what to say. Are you guys staying for the show?
: Sorry, we can’t… We’re setting off for a mission in a few, you know how it is…
: Oh… right, I guess so…
: But it’s fine. You’re all fighting to help the whole world…
: Ranka…
: Then, Ranka, why don’t you hold onto this?
: It’s… some mini-wireless microphone?
: It’s a prototype our company’s just made.
: Wear it, and it should transmit your song to our units in real-time.
: Real-time transmission through space with that tiny thing? Pretty impressive…
: All thanks to the Fold Quartz that’s installed in it.
: Fold Quartz? That’s the stuff they use in some of our Valkyries’ gear, right?
: Hmhmm. These stones have the natural property of being able to transmit people’s minds.
: We figured we could use that property for a bunch of other things – that’s how we came up with that mic.
: It transmits people’s minds, huh? Kinda sounds like that Odyssite.
: (People’s minds… their thoughts… Then maybe the stone in Sheryl’s earring is…)
: Thank you so much, Luca! I’ll give this concert 200% and make sure my song finds its way to you guys!
: Whereas we promise you we’ll trash that Vajra nest. That way you can sing without worrying about the bugs.
: Huh…? Your mission’s an attack on the Vajra…?
: Is there a problem, Ranka…?
: …
: U-Um… Are you really sure the Vajra are evil?
: Where’d that come from…?
: Well, back when I was trapped inside that Vajra…
: I know I was supposed to be scared, but… I just had this feeling of familiarity. Like I was home, surrounded by family and friends…
: Hey, are you listening to yourself? These are the Vajra we’re talking about.
: But…
: Yeah, the reports we’ve gotten have shown that they’ve got really tiny brains and aren’t all that intelligent…
: But does having a tiny brain mean they don’t have a heart?
: Does a singing cricket have no feelings, no heart at all? Do these flowers feel absolutely nothing?
: Ranka, you…
: But, errr… Even if they DO have a heart, they’re still attacking us for no reason, you know? We don’t really have a choice here.
: Yeah… Way too many people have lost their lives because of the Vajra.
: I just can’t bring myself to believe that creatures that’d do stuff like that have a heart…
: …
: I… I guess you’re right… Sorry, I shouldn’t be bringing this up right as you’re heading out.
: Don’t worry about it. And whatever happens, we’ll protect the fleet and this world from the Vajra.
: And that includes you, too, of course.
: Thanks…
: (But there was a resonance between the Vajra and song. I felt it…)
: (If we can pry open another way – one that doesn’t involve violence – then the future of mankind might just…)

Mission 33 (Vajra Route) – The Hour of Dialogue

: That is a nest, alright… there’s a ton of them…!
: The more spectators, the better, I say! I want my song to get through to all of them!
: What’s gotten Fei this hyped-up?
: Well, we’d previously established that her song was effective against the Vajra.
: Right, so we asked her to lead the charge to speed up our operation.
: Her song is effective against the Vajra? It’s just like when Sheryl or Ranka are singing, then.
: …
: Hmph… You’re awful chatty when the enemy’s sitting right up front…!

*Descartes blasts ahead.*

: Descartes Shaman, Gadelaza! Moving to engage the enemy vanguard!
: Cpt. Shaman, wait – that’s too dangerous! Don’t break formation!

: Wh-What the…
: The Federation’s Innovator’s that strong…?
: These pests are hardly a match for the power of an Innovator…


: Hrgh…?!
: Huh… This sensation was…!
: Th-That’s…!
: Kch… There’s a voice ringing through my head… What’s going on?!
: What happened, Erebos?! What voice?!
: Something’s wrong with Fei and Setsuna… What in blazes…?!
: B-Be careful… It’s…!

: The ELS?! Why now…?!
: A-Aargh… gaaah…!

*Descartes heads after the ELS group.*

: Fed, what’re you doing…?!


: My…head…!
: Are you the ones MESSING WITH MY HEAAAAAAD?!

: Rrrgh… The noise! There’s so much noise!
: You’re in too deep! Come back…!

: This is bad! They’re gonna nab him if we don’t do something!
: Artillery strike on the ELS mob! Clear an escape path!

: I-It’s not working! There’re too many of them…!
: The Gadelaza is…!
: Th-They’re… fusing with my unit… grargh…
: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

: Tch…!
: Friendly’s gone from radar! Unable to verify if the pilot’s alive or not…!
: No… way…
: They killed a real Innovator like he was nothing…
: That’s enough quivering! Don’t forget what we’re here for!
: Hrm… So, we’ve to deal with the Vajra and the ELS?! It won’t be easy, but we gotta find a way to make it happen…!
: To think we’d wind up finding both these creatures… But those are still enemies we’ve to destroy.
: Our mission remains the same: make our way towards the center of the fortress and eliminate anything that’s in the way!

Kill everything, don’t lose a ship, Setsuna, Alto, Luca or Fei-Yen. The start of this mission’s the more dangerous part simply because you’re caught in the enemy’s pincer attack. Way I see it, the simplest solution is to just head a wee bit north of the starting area and let the enemy come to you until you get a good morale lead.
Let your dodgier guys hang to the east and deal with the ELS, lest your Supers go the rest of the mission on fumes. Make good use of Command Auras and AoE skills when you can to increase your chances of not getting plinked, and as your morale gets good, you can start heading up and dealing with the bigger guys.

SRW UX - Lion

SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

: I feel something – like their mind – flowing through the Quantum Brainwaves…
: Talk to me! Why did you come here?!

: Hrgh… The flow of information is just too great to try and parse their thoughts…
: We’ll need to find another way if we want to talk with them…!

: Kch… Is this the ELS’ mind that Setsuna told us about? It’s echoing through my head…!
: Goddamn, these things are kicking up a storm in our brains! Get the hell outta my face!

SRW UX - Lion

: (What if Ranka’s right, and these bugs really do have a heart of their own…?)
: (No, I can’t think that way – they’re still the enemy! They’re the ones who wreck our towns and kill our people without any provocation! And I won’t stop hitting back while they keep with that…!)

SRW UX - Linebarrel

: Sorry, Ranka… I’ll be honest, I don’t really know what’s going on inside these things’ heads.
: But they’re hurting people, so that doesn’t leave me with any choice! I gotta fight them!
Did you know you can shoot down the incoming ELS? Moritsugu’s command bonus is particularly good against them because it REALLY makes your guys likely to proc something against the incoming swarm (the ELS don’t have a high Skill stat, either).

And when turn 3 rolls over…

: Hrm, there’s no end to them! We can’t keep this up forever…!
: We’ve our hands full with just the Vajra! Adding these things on top is just…!
: I’m going in!
: Are you nuts, Setsuna?! Not even you can take them all on by yourself!
: No, I’ll engage the Raiser System and spread the GN Particle mental-affinity field!
: You’re going to try and communicate with the ELS?!
: What, you think you can get through to those things?! There’s no way…!
: If we let the fear of not being understood, of failing to communicate, stop us from taking the first step, then nothing’ll ever change… Our world will never change…!
: ?!

*Setsuna moves into the mob of ELS.*

: Uooooooooh!

SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

“Hrgh…! Who are you?!”

“What are you looking for?! Why did you come here?!”

“Answer me!”

: Talk to me! What are you after…?


: …?!
: What’s wrong, Setsuna…?!
: A…gh…
: Gwaaaaaaaaaaah!

: The ELS are fusing with the 00 Raiser!
: Stop them, or they'll do to him what they did to that pilot!
: Everyone forward! Rescue Setsuna!

: Crap…! We can’t even get close to him…!
: Setsuna’s not the only one in trouble… We’re all on the way to getting overwhelmed and wrecked at the pace we’re going…!


: ELS fusion rate with the 00’s at 90%! It’s reaching the cockpit!
: An…swer…me… What… are you…!
: Setsuna, you’re still…?!
: Gaaaaaaaaah!
: Hrm… ELS! Can’t you tell that he’s trying to talk to you?!
: And, yet, all you care about is consuming him…!
: Alto…!
: Are you really just mindless hunks of metal?! Do you feel absolutely nothing at all?!
: Rrrgh…aaaaaah…!
: Fusion rate: 95%! We’re not going to make it…!

: Wh-What…?!
: All those ELS were brought down in the blink of an eye…!
: …
: I know that attack… It’s!

SRW UX - You Are Similar to Me

: …
: The Freedom… Kira Yamato!
: ELS, aliens… I’d like to think that even you are trying to protect something

: But if that pushes you to set fire to our world, to shut down the path to our future, then…!
: Athrun…!
: Then we’re forced to make a choice and take a stand…!
: To protect the future of all mankind!

: Wow… Those are…
: The two super aces from the 2nd Alliance-PLANTs War…

*The two bots fly over to Setsuna.*

: A-A Gun…dam…
: Get here and bring in the pilot! He’s in too much risk!

: Allow me. I’ll take it from here.
: You’re…!

: Have the medical team dispatched! Hurry!
: The boy’s in your hands!
: Maj. Graham Aker?! What’re you doing here…?
: It’s been a long time, Ensign Berge. We’ve a lot of catching up to do, but…
: That’ll have to wait until we’re through this mess! I trust you two Gundams are also ready to go…?!
: We are. This is what we returned to the battlefield to do!
: To clear the way for our future – with our own two hands!